
Adrianne Ritter

Diabetes has taught me responsibility at a young age

How long have you been living with diabetes?

For 8 years. I was 4 years old when I was diagnosed.

How were you diagnosed?

I was waking up to use the bathroom and thirsty a lot. I would also get sick after I ate. My mom took me to the doctor and my resting blood glucose was over 400. They sent me to the hospital.

Did your diagnosis come as a surprise to you?

No, because I knew something was wrong with me.

How did your diagnosis affect your family or loved ones?

My parents were scared and worried. It was a lot of information all at one time. They felt overwhelmed and didn't sleep very much.

What are the most important things that have supported your diabetes care?

My insulin pump, CGM, and my endocrinologist at UNC Children's Hospital.

What has living with diabetes taught you the most?

To be grateful for your life! It has also taught me responsibility at a young age and how to carb count.

What has been your lowest point with diabetes?

When I was diagnosed and was forced to adjust to a different lifestyle.

Have you ever experienced issues accessing diabetes medicines, supplies and care?

No, because my parents can afford my medical supplies and insulin. But the cost is extremely high and a lot of people can't afford it. I know my parents have given up a lot to be able to pay for my supplies.

What would you like to see change in diabetes over the next 100 years?

I would like a cure! Also, I would like the cost of living with diabetes to be affordable.

What do you think needs to change to improve the lives of people living with diabetes in your country?

The cost of insulin and the supplies should be affordable.

What does the centenary of insulin mean to you?

I love insulin because it keeps me and others like me alive.

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